Monday, June 14, 2010


Sometimes when i get moody in life, i will be my most original self,free from all influences of the material world. It brings me back those memories of some precious moments that have shaped my personality.
When the people who have really understood you to the fullest and inspired you are far from you, already part of the past, there is nothing left, but their footsteps to follow and their memories to cherish.
I now sit warmly on the couch, sipping my favourite self made tea, thinking of those times, feeling every bit comfortable and light on the inside.
The rj on the radio had invited the listeners to send in a kickass definition of life, half an hour ago. And after such chain of thoughts, i was lead into thinking " Life is all about the good memories that you make out of it...the bad ones dont matter at the end of the day.."

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