Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The little gift

You are abnormal, if you don't own a mobile. Survival without a mobile is out of the question ; people will show you the doors of a psychiatrist if you don't own one. And these are the words of my sage voice of experience!

Early this morning, my mobile beeps and i hurriedly pick it up to find the following text message :

" I thank you for being a part of my life and touching it with love, care and joy. good morning:)"

I delete it immediately, unmindfully and return back to mind my work. Because the right words from the wrong person and the wrong words from the right person are both gibberish.

If you meet a person face to face, it is impractical to greet him or her with such dramatic and syrupy words, unless you love them truly from heart.Then why put up a preposterous show? To those of you who think it is a gentle gesture of friendship,i must warn you that all that glitters is not gold . It gets to my nerves when the so called friends who try to please you with melodramatic words, don't even reply when you ask for some help or when you are truly in need.

It does not make even an exiguous sense, when it is forwarded to you by people who don't really mean it. Nevertheless, not all friends are opportunists.

Sometimes, forwards can be the prim ones, the most interesting ones which can scuttle a worthwile thought into your brain..

To exemplify,here are some of the best ones that i have collected.

1.You will waste your time if you keep throwing stones at every dog that barks at you.

Just keep biscuits and move on.

2. Success is nothing more than a few disciplines practiced daily,

and failure is nothing more than a few small errors repeated daily.

3.Don't tell people your problems. 70 percent of them don't care. The other 30 percent are glad.

4.Contradictory proverbs:

i) All good things come to those who wait.


Time and tide wait for none.

ii) The pen is mightier than sword.


Actions speak louder than words.

iii) Many hands make the work lighter


Too many cooks spoil the broth.

iv) Doubt is the beginning of wisdom


Faith moves mountains

v) Finally every one's favorite..

Practice makes man perfect.


No man is perfect.

5.Benefit of speaking truth is that you dont have to remember what you said but lying increases your memory power.

6.Dont feel bad that people remember you only when they need you,

Feel privileged that you are like a candle ,that comes to mind when there is darkness in their life.

7.Whatever is free is not good! whatever is good is not free!( This one is from a very genuine source whose identity shall be concealed as of now. Not to mention, i laughed my intestines out for this one!)

Of all the features that a mobile can adorn,the most pleasing to me is the SMS. It is a simple way to keep in touch with with your true friends and loved ones. Moreover, it has had the potential to manumit me from the bondage of miserable loneliness.

I bow down to the android phone that has its advent into the market recently.It's far reaching applications are captivating. But somehow, The most appealing are the simple text messages, which any basic cell does not lack..

Aren't the best things in life, the simplest ones?

1 comment:

  1. very well spoken...honest words and i ditto to ur thoughts.
    But hey did u know that those who beep with syrupy words have their own reasons for doing so. According to them it is their shortcut to saying hello and staying in touch.
    Different strokes for different folks i guess.
    Just for sharing though i belong to that category that has been labelled cell mute for unless i really feel something i do not send kehne ke liye forwards neither do i endorse that policy of keeping in touch when i know that it is an exercise in futility.For u r so right that when u r in distress the bond vanishes and u r quite alone.
    Ur best ones are really for keeps...will be jotting down some of these :)
    Thanks for stopping by at my blog...although it's been quite some time that i have really posted something...have just been just too occupied to have sensible and consistent thoughts to blog about.
