It was the farewell day for the E&C department, final year students at College. The Head of the Department was called upon to address the gathering. He was the celebrated star of many students as he fell prey to the student’s imitation behind the scenes easily .This is one strange thing about humans that we start liking people whom we imitate the most. Beaming with a huge smile, he strode to the mike accompanied by the roar and cheers that the students gave in their excitement.
He started his speech praising our batch as the most priced batch for beating the placement records at college. He carried forward the speech with dignity and concluded soon enough to our surprise with a tinge of emotion. He probably thought, that he had already given enough lecture in classes that he handled and realised we were on the mood for party .He concluded saying departure is imminent now and he wished us all the best for our future. True, people end up saying philosophical stuff, sometimes when they get emotional.
Just four months have passed after that day and there is so much change in life.In the same bus stop where i used to catch my college bus, i now board the office cab. Every time i see that yellow bus with the name of my college on it, a fresh memory comes back and i start sulking about the comforts of college life. The small group of friends , favourite lecturers, the things that we endured for the final year project , everything shines on my mind along with the morning rays.
And now i realise that People are indeed like BLUETOOTH, if you let them move far from you, they find new devices( i received this insightful sms forward a few days back). The only reason for this is that you move far away from the minds of people emotionally as well, when you are separated by distance. But that’s the way of life.Life is long for sure, but it bloody moves so fast!
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